Tuesday 13 November 2007

Just Giving

The JustGiving Sonny Sunshine appeal hit its target plus a little extra back in Sept. Having chat to Jodi about it we decided to up it a little bit!I've seen a few friends have the site posted on their FaceBook accounts, thankyou. I have added a little widget to my vox also.

Please, if you don't know Sonny and don't know anything about Cornelia de Lange syndrome take the time to look it up. Read my old blog LovePinkChampagne to find out about my gorgeous little boy and what this genetic disorder will hold for him and his loved ones.

I had never heard of this syndrome until my son was given an indefinite diagnosis at 2 days old. The past 15 months have brought immense highs and lows but throughout, Sonny has remained a constant joy to everyone that knows and loves him.

To those who have already donated thankyou so so much for helping us reach the original target.

A little reminder of who we are talking about.......


Hannah said...

OMG he is just the most beautiful child.

suna said...

sweet smile!!!!

bethany said...

ohmygosh...that little laugh. what a doll.